Hi there, friends!
So yesterday, we let our imagination loose and tried a new zucchini "recipe"
( it was more like:
*hey lets make stuffed zucchini!
*OK Great! Yeah! ... hhhmmm what should we put in it?
*I don't know... what do we have in the fridge?? =))
So we came up with our own interpretation of what a stuffed zucchini should be like, taste like and look like.
... cause sometimes, you need to toss your recipe out the window and just have fun... go with your gut, try something new... SPONTANEOUS is one of my favorite words these days, and that's how we were feeling yesterday! =)
So back to cooking mode
Here we go with our recipe #2: Japanese style stuffed zucchini
- 6 zucchinis
- 1 red pepper and 1 green pepper (we didn't use them this time because someone in our family is "emotionally" allergic to it (coughcough deanstein), but if you have them and you like them, go for it!)
- 3 cups rice (amount varies according to amount of people you're cooking for)
- 2 onions (medium size)
- 8 oz (small pack) mushrooms
- 3 cloves of garlic
- Olives (as many as you like)
- Mozzarella and Parmesan Cheese
- Olive oil
- 4 tablespoons teriyaki sauce
#1 Prepare rice
#2 Chop onions, (peppers), mushrooms, garlic, parsley (if you have fresh-from-your-garden parsley, that's the best!) and olives.
#3 In a pan, saute onions and peppers first. After 3-5 mins, add mushrooms.
#4 When the mix is about ready, add parsley and garlic. Saute for about 1-2 mins and turn stove off. (If you cook garlic for a long time, it gets bitter). After everything is cooked, add rice, olives and teriyaki sauce to the mix (you can use as much as you like =). Let it cool.
#5 Cut your zucchinis in halves. Scoop out the insides.
#6 Using a brush, coat the zucchini "boats" with a little bit of olive oil.
#7 Stuff your zucchinis with filling, and cover with cheese.
#8 Bake them 30-45 mins.
#9 Unbuckle your belt
#9 Unbuckle your belt
#10 EAT!!

So that's how you make it, and this is how you eat it...
lizz, we miss you and wish you were here!! but at the same time, we're so proud of you for being the hands and feet of Jesus to those in need. We love you, girl!
No matter what you're eating, either a fancy meal or bread and water, FAMILY and FRIENDS always make food taste much better!!
ps: Tomorrow, I'll be posting the most yummiest CHIMICHURRI made by Tracey!!! You can check her blog out at www.hispeculiartreasure.blogspot.com and show her some love!! =D
Great recipe idea, Pamela! I have a "Southern" style stuffed zucchini my family loves, but I think they will really like this version as well! Looking forward to your chumichurri post! We're huge fans of that around here!
Hey Beverly! It's all about getting creative, right? =) I think the funnest part of the whole thing was spending time with the fam. The chimichurri was AWESOME! and I can't wait to use it to marinate some meat and then grill it! (I love food hahaha) Thanks for your comment, girl!
Not only was the meal great....and especially those zucchini's, but the blast of a time we had making them and of course, eating them!!! Love our cooking days Pame!!
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